ascolab welcomes Dr. Wolfgang Mahnke hired to strengthen the team of "Consulting & Standardization" serving the increased demand for OPC UA Information Modeling.
Kalchreuth, Germany - February 01, 2018 - The information modeling capability of OPC UA technology is the key feature for successful standardization of domain specific data content. To address the increasing demand ascolab contracted Dr. Wolfgang Mahnke, one of the inventors of the OPC UA Information Model.
ascolab and Unified Automation moved to a new building to join forces and optimize workflow operations.
Kalchreuth, Germany - March 06, 2017 - ascolab provides premium services for Unified Automation's OPC UA SDKs rounding up the offerings for customers who want to implement OPC UA technologies into their products.
The German BSI (Bundesamt für Informationssicherheit) has published security analysis for the OPC Unified Architecture standard. ascolab has supported the testing and analytics procedures with in depth know how on the OPC UA technology.
Erlangen, Germany - April 26, 2016 - The Tuev-Sued Rail was contracted by the BSI to perform a security analysis on the most popular Industry 4.0 communication standard OPC Unified Architecture.
For better understanding of the OPC UA technology in general and particular implementation details ascolab and Unified Automation agreed to offer a wide range of training clases, developer workshops and seminars.
Erlangen, Germany - March 01, 2009 - ascolab was selected as the prefered partner for services and training.
Unified Automation, ascolab GmbH, and TenAsys will work together to provide an OPC UA communication server for embedded x86 platforms.
Erlangen, Germany - February 04, 2009 - Unified Automation GmbH and ascolab GmbH announce their technology partnership with TenAsys Corporation (Beaverton, Oregon, USA), a leading provider of real-time OS and virtualization software technology, for application of the OPC standard Unified Architecture (OPC UA) SDK to the TenAsys INtime RTOS.